Saturday, May 26, 2012

Foxy Breaks It Down For You

      When Miss Foxy Brown (pictured above) and I take our daily walk, we never fail to stumble upon some great mystery, however small.  On today's stroll around the block, I was thinking of the lines of poet Mary Oliver when she wrote about her dog, Percy:

I Ask Percy How I Should Live My Life

Love, love, love, says Percy.
And hurry as fast as you can
along the shining beach, or the rubble, or the dust.
Then go to sleep.
Give up your body heat, your beating heart.
Then, trust. 

     Oliver always gets it right, and apparently so does her dog, Percy. I asked Foxy about this, and she seemed to be down with the whole love and trust thing.  Oh, and dog treats.  Foxy loves her some food. (She's a full-figured gal, and our daily walks are not only in service to daily reflection). 
     Percy says to love, and no one knows how to love this world more than dogs. So today I thought it might be nice to see the world through Foxy's eyes; as such, I give you a photo essay of sorts.  These are some of the things we saw in our brief one mile walk around the block.  We did not "hurry as fast as [we could] / along the shining beach, or the rubble, or the dust."  Instead, we tried to follow Oliver's charge to:

look down with...
golden eyes how everything
then settles
from mere incidence into
the lush of meaning.

...and this is what we saw:

A daylily "giving up its body heat, its beating heart."  

Foxy says it is good to "Be a little twisted," but then to pick up bottle caps in the road because it's not nice to litter.  And so we did after a good laugh.

Speaking of twisted, in the middle of this broken bottle near a water drain was a really lovely piece of coiled metal looking at home amid the twigs, brown glass, concrete and leaves.

aaaand sometimes you're walking along and you just find Jesus on the road...

Foxy knows that even the discarded can stand out with beautiful hues.

Where a driveway meets the street, some extra buttons.

Love, love, love.


  1. GREAT read-- gotta love that Foxy!!

  2. Hope you don't get run over looking down :)
